The European Journal of
Applied Linguistics and TEFL
Home Page
The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL is a refereed scholarly publication which aims to disseminate information, knowledge and expertise in the broad area of applied linguistics. However, a strong preference is given to contributions relating to second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, language teacher education and classroom innovation.

The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL is a biannual periodical, published in digital format in May and November. It is indexed on the Index Copernicus International Journals Master List 2021 with an Index Copernicus Value of 82.53. It is also indexed and fully listed by the Gale/Cengage Learning database, ProQuest, EBSCO and Scopus.

Call for articles!
Next available issue of EJALTEFL
November 2026
article submission

journal subscription

ISSN 2192-1032